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Just one month after the successful launch of the Global EverGreening Alliance’s Restore Africa Programme announced in Nairobi 23 May, the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) is hosting a four-day Land Restoration Forum at the Speke Resort Munyonyo in Kampala from 21st – 24th June.
Delegates attending the conference are expected to include government ministers and officials from 15 African countries, including the six countries already participating in the Restore Africa Programme – Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Malawi, Zambia and Tasmania. Also in attendance will be corporate investors, donors, the United Nations, research and technical organisations, NGOs and civil society.
The Forum is bringing delegates together with the aim to:
The Global EverGreening Alliance together with key national stakeholders, is coordinating what is reputedly the largest ever smallholder farmer-led land restoration program to be funded by private investment: the Restore Africa Programme. Restore Africa will accelerate and scale-up the adoption of contextually appropriate agroforestry practices, whilst drawing down and storing carbon in the landscape across the East and Southern African Region. The project will significantly contribute to the AFR100, which aims to bring at least 100 million hectares of degraded land under restoration by 2030.
Climate Asset Management is supporting the Forum and will work with participants to build capacity for more informed decision-making around Article 6, carbon project requirements and investment opportunities.
Last month, Climate Asset Management and the Alliance jointly launched Restore Africa Programme: Restoring Landscapes and livelihoods in East and Southern Africa, with a commitment to invest USD150 million.
“We are delighted to be participating in this Land Restoration Forum in Kampala. We look forward to four days of debate and discussion particularly focused on the application of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, as well as understanding and consensus on carbon project requirements and investment opportunities. The Restore Africa Programme is one of those rare win-win-win opportunities by improving the livelihoods and food security for 1.5 million small holder farmers and their communities across Southern and Eastern Africa; by helping countries deliver on their NDCs, by generating carbon credits for corporations with net zero commitments; and ultimately by creating a more climate resilient world for generations to come.” said Caroline van Tilborg, Senior Carbon Investment Manager at Climate Asset Management
“Our Restore Africa Programme demonstrates a new model for funding large-scale development initiatives, which puts the people directly impacted by climate change first, and in the process, creates more resilient landscapes.” – Chris Armitage, CEO, Global EverGreening Alliance
“The restoration agenda is an urgent imperative in Africa, necessitated by need to inspire hope for communities ravaged by effects of climate change and dwindling land productivity. Leveraging carbon finance plugs the gap in resourcing that has impeded programmatic action at scale and facilitates learning in context together with local communities and the private sector. The investment by Climate Asset Management is a stitch in time that breaks ground for demonstrating how private sector investments can be executed to meet the triple goals of climate action, land restoration and biodiversity conservation at transformative scale” added Jonathan Muriuki, Interim Manager, Restore Africa Programme
About the Global EverGreening Alliance
The Global EverGreening Alliance is an iNGO that brings together leading research, technical, environmental and development organisations to build on our shared vision of restoring degraded lands. Functioning as a collaborative platform, the Alliance harnesses our members and partners’ collective strengths, capacities and networks to coordinate, develop and implement massive-scale land restoration programmes.
About Climate Asset Management
Climate Asset Management was formed in 2020 as a joint venture of HSBC Asset Management and Pollination, with the ambition to grow the world’s largest asset management company dedicated to natural capital. Its investment strategies seek to work across landscapes to build resilience whilst generating returns. Through its Natural Capital Strategy, Climate Asset Management aims to deliver attractive, long-term returns and create impact at scale by protecting and restoring vital biodiversity. Through its Nature Based Carbon Strategy, it aims to unlock the supply of high impact carbon credits for corporates and investors seeking to achieve net zero. Climate Asset Management aims to raise $USD1.6 billion with these two strategies.
About AFR100
AFR100 (the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative) is a country-led effort to bring 100 million hectares of land in Africa into restoration by 2030. It aims to accelerate restoration to enhance food security, increase climate change resilience and mitigation, and combat rural poverty. AFR100 is a partnership of 31 African governments and numerous technical and financial partners.
Additional Background Information on the Restore Africa Programme
The programme will follow a staged approach with the first nature based carbon project starting in Kenya, followed by Malawi, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Zambia. The Global Evergreening Alliance’s Restore Africa programme is one of the world’s largest and most ambitious large-scale restoration programmes. To learn more about the Restore Africa programme, visit
Media Contacts
Global EverGreening Alliance
Sally Armitage, Media & Communications Lead | +61 458 432 820
Teko Nhlapho, Communications and Advocacy Officer | +27 83 596 8752
Climate Asset Management
Ben Thompson, Marketing and Communications Consultant | +44 7837 408421
Caroline van Tilborg, Senior Carbon Investment Manager | + 31 6 83792828