ESG & Impact

ESG & Impact

Delivering long-term positive environmental and social outcomes alongside commercial risk-adjusted returns

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Our Impact Commitments

Net Zero

We are committed to deliver Net Zero GHG emissions (Scope 1&2, reflecting aggregate historical emissions since inception) at the portfolio level by 2030.

Nature Positive

We are committed to contribute to the global goal to halt and reverse nature loss. Our approach combines avoiding or mitigating the negative impacts of production while simultaneously restoring and enhancing ecosystems in both working lands and natural areas.

Just Transition

We are committed to provide fair, inclusive livelihood opportunities to rural communities and increasing representation of women and underrepresented communities to ensure that our net-zero and nature-positive commitments can be delivered fairly and sustainably.

Our Impact Themes


We aim to deliver a wider range of biodiversity benefits through a combination of protecting natural habitats, restoring degraded land, improving connectivity and reducing pressures upon biodiversity. Where appropriate, this also includes targeted interventions for species of conservation concern.


Our approach to delivering positive impact for climate covers both action on mitigation, reducing emissions and sequestering carbon, as well adaptation, ensuring communities and landscapes become more resilient to the increasing effects of climate change.


Water is a critical resource and its effective management is a key part of our approach to positive impact. We focus on the implementation of actions that improve both the quantity and quality of water available within landscapes as well as to restore and protect the water-related ecosystems that support its long-term provision.


We take a tailored approach to delivering benefits to communities, focusing on what is most relevant to those living within the landscapes in which we operate. This may include creating employment opportunities, provision of community infrastructure, supporting secure land rights, or providing increased recreational access to nature.


We understand that in order for our positive impact strategy to be effective, it needs to be founded on a basis of good ESG management, ensuring that all of our investments do no significant harm to the environment and the people who depend upon it.  For this, we have a robust investment framework and governance process to support capital deployment, based around the risk management and compliance process required by its institutional ownership structure.

We have developed a comprehensive ESG and Impact management system, providing the procedures for assessing and managing material risks and impacts throughout the investment process and during the ongoing portfolio management and monitoring.  Our system provides a consistent approach to integrating ESG matters into investment sourcing and management ensuring our team has the right capacity and tools to effectively manage ESG risks.


As part of our efforts to deliver positive impacts through our investments, we are committed to working with others to share our expertise drive best practice within the industry.

We are proud to be a member of the following organisations:

  • B Corp

  • Finance for Biodiversity Pledge

  • Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN)

  • Natural Capital Investment Alliance

  • Principles for Responsible Investment

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Climate Asset Management’s investment solutions are designed for institutional investors seeking access to natural capital investments and corporates transitioning to net zero.

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