Thought leadership

  • Date 02 June 2024
  • Words by Parisa Rahnama
  • Reading time < 1 mins

World Peatlands Day 2 June 2024

On World Peatlands Day, Parisa Rahnama shares her insights and thoughts on how collaboration between public and private sectors is essential if we are to see an acceleration in peatland restoration, ensuring these ecosystems are protected and can thrive for generations to come.

Download "Peatlands: Undervalued Ecosystems"

“Arriving at a restored peat site on the edge of the Scottish Borders on a breezy morning, the landscape stretches out before me—a vast expanse of mossy greens and browns separated by shimmering pools of water.

The ground is soft and spongy, a feature of the waterlogged soil that has slowly developed over millennia. A unique multi-coloured moss called sphagnum blankets the ground with vibrant greens and red. The tranquility of the scene is broken only by the occasional call of a distant bird, echoing across the space.

This is my first encounter with a peat bog, an underappreciated beauty and for many a natural wonder.  I am filled with awe as I take in this breathtaking view.”

Peatlands are estimated to hold nearly 30% of all natural carbon, ranging between 450 to 650 gigatons, almost twice as much as the entirety of Earth's forest. ”

(source: UNEP Global Peatlands Assessment 2022 – The State of the World’s Peatlands)


“Walking through these unique peatland landscapes, I often wonder how best to accelerate the collaboration required between governments and private investors to preserve these vital ecosystems.

Peatlands are not only profoundly beautiful but also crucial to our planetary health, serving as carbon sinks, biodiversity havens, and natural water regulators.”

Read more “Peatlands: Undervalued Ecosystems overlooked by investors and governments – the Scottish case.”

Healthy peatlands play a crucial role in flood mitigation, acting like giant sponges that absorb and slowly release rainwater”

Images courtesy of Forest Carbon and Parisa Rahnama


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